Development Bank Mental Health Walk/Run

Frigate Bay Lawn, KN

The Development Bank Mental Health Walk/Run is an initiative aimed at raising awareness about mental health issues and promoting mental well-being within the organization and possibly the wider community it serves. Here's a comprehensive description:
Development Bank Mental Health Walk/Run

The primary objective of the Development Bank Mental Health Walk is to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. It aims to promote mental well-being among employees, clients, and possibly the community by encouraging open discussions, providing resources, and fostering a supportive environment.

Date and Location:
The walk is typically scheduled during Mental Health Awareness Month or other relevant observances. The walk/run begins at Frigate Bay Lawn and ends at Majors Bay.

Participants include employees of the development bank, their families, clients, and possibly members of the local community interested in supporting mental health initiatives. Participation is often voluntary, but efforts are made to encourage widespread involvement to maximize the impact of the event.

The Mental Health Walk/Run is more than just a physical activity; it's an opportunity for education, engagement, and camaraderie.

Here are some typical activities that may be included:
Warm-up Exercises: Before the walk, participants may engage in light warm-up exercises led by fitness instructors or volunteers to prepare their bodies for the activity.

Group Walk:
The main event involves a competitive race and a leisurely walk, during which participants can engage in conversations, connect with colleagues, and enjoy the outdoor environment. The length and duration of the walk can vary based on the preferences of the organizers and participants.

The ultimate goal of the Development Bank Mental Health Walk/Run is to contribute to a culture of openness, support, and well-being within the organization. By raising awareness, reducing stigma, and providing resources, it aims to empower individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek help when needed. Additionally, the event fosters a sense of community and solidarity among participants, reinforcing the importance of mutual support in promoting mental well-being.

Awards are as follows:
First place: $1000.00 Eastern Caribbean Dollars
Second Place: $500.00 Eastern Caribbean Dollars
Third Place: $250.00 Eastern Caribbean Dollars
Fourth Place: Pedicure Compliments Nail Philez
Fight Place: Pedicure Compliments Nail Philez
Sixth Place: Pedicure Compliments Nail Philez

When & Where

May 25, 2024


5:00 AM

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